Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Give Me ComColor or Give Me Death!

Thus the famous line from Patrick Henry "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!" was spoken on March 23rd, 1775, thus delivering the Virgina troops the Revolutionary War.

Geez, what would have happened if Patrick Henry had a ComColor high-speed inkjet printer? Well for starters he would have been able to print of all his speeches. It was noted from 1763 to 1789 not one of his speeches lives in print! Patrick Henry could have printed thousands of folded booklets in color and delivered them to the masses in Colonial Virginia!

Patrick Henry once called the King of England a Tyrant, a fool, a puppet & a tool to the Ministry. Whoa, if he had the ComColor running at full speed he could have printed low cost color pictures (by the thousands) of a fool, a tryrant and a tool, inserted the king's likeness and shipped them back to the king!

Having 10,000 acre plantation in Henry County, Virgina must have been a duanting task. Here Patrick Henry farmed tobacco from 1779 to 1784, a ComColor device would be just the ticket for managing the Plantation's communications.

Patrick Henry had a bulldog spirit. He was an attorney, and a Governor but above all he had a radical spirit that transformed the nation. ComColor, not so much for transforming the nation, however the ComColor is on it's way to transforming how we print and communicate in color. The ComColor has a radical spirit about it, not just your every day copier/printer but a communication solution that will change the way we communicate on paper.

-=Good Selling=-

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